Professional Development Committee


The ORSA Professional Development (PD) Committee is committed to providing resources, opportunities, and support to all ORSA members to help advance their personal and professional growth. The primary function of the committee is oversight of the ORSA scholarship process.


  • Oversee scholarship applications for various ORSA and NIRSA opportunities

  • Review resumes and cover letters as requested

  • Offer presentations at conferences and workshops

  • Plan and implement preconference workshops

  • Provide additional funding for professional growth


The ORSA scholarship program was originated in 1997 with the implementation of the Will M. Holsberry Student Scholarship. Since 1997 the ORSA scholarship program has expanded to provide students and professionals with the opportunity to attend the NIRSA: Leaders in Collegiate Recreation Annual Conference and Expo, the NIRSA School of Collegiate Recreation, Region III Student Lead-On, and the ORSA State Workshop


Please contact the professional development committee chairs with ideas for consideration. The committee needs input from members to ensure the work we do is benefiting the membership as outlined above.