Educational Programming Committee


To ensure high quality educational presentations and programs at all ORSA events including the State Workshop and the Summer Outreach.


  • Identify and actively recruit potential presenters for all ORSA events.

  • Review presentation proposal submissions for all ORSA events

  • Collaborate with the ORSA Professional Development Committee on potential sessions and gaps in session topics.

  • Contact chosen presenters for all ORSA events.

  • Determine presentation schedule for all ORSA events

  • Develop, administer, and track presentation assessments and feedback for all ORSA events.

  • Coordinate presentation schedule and facility needs with the host site planning committee for all ORSA events.

  • Make recommendations for future educational events and programs.

  • Report on ORSA members that are presenting at regional and state conferences.


  • 1 committee chair

  • 2 general members

  • 1 member from current host site

  • 1 member from the next host site


  • This committee was formed in Fall 2019.